Why Did Jesus Come?

Made for Glory and Joy

From before the dawn of time, God is the most glorious and joyful being of all. Existing as one God in three persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have lived forever together in perfect equality, holiness, and love. And as an overflow of this love, God created people in His image to know Him. To love Him. To live with Him. To live for His glory by enjoying Him as King and Creator. This life of enjoying God is the life you have been made for. It is the only life that is able to ultimately satisfy our hearts.

Choosing a Different Path

Yet, instead of pursuing life in Him, we shame God by living as if He does not exist. We find countless ways to fail to be or do what He requires. And because we are worshipers, when we reject the one true God, we turn to other things for hope, happiness, significance, and security. This is what it means to be sinful.

This creates a great divide between us. As we aim our lives away from God, we continue to walk further away from Him. If we continue down that path all of life, we will remain forever separated from God and lose even the good things He gives us to enjoy in this life. This is what hell is – the fearful but just judgment of being forever cast away from the only One who can give our lives joy and meaning to a place of punishment. This is the direction we all were headed.

Good News of Great Joy

But God, being rich in mercy and because of His great love, has sent a Redeemer.

Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became also fully human. He lived the life we ought to have lived, perfectly obeying the whole law of God. He died willingly in our place to deliver us from the power and penalty of sin and bring us back to God. And in the central event of human history, God raised Him from the dead, demonstrating that Christ is who He says He is and will do all that He has promised.

And this is the promise – if you turn from sin to follow Christ, you are forgiven of your sins, made right with God, and given eternal life, all and only because of what Christ has done for you. You enter into a restored, personal relationship with God. You enter into the abundant life that can only be found in God. And following Christ starts with believing in Him, trusting in Him, and resting on the fact that He died for your sins and rose again.

This is the gospel, the good news about Jesus Christ. Will you follow Him?

If you have questions or have made a decision to follow Christ, we would love to hear from you.